'It is GOOD to be back in Navajo Nation' by Frank Sienkiewicz

Greetings from Navajo Nation!

It is GOOD to be back, visiting in fellowship with our brothers & sisters in the faith.We see this community being built up with the continued efforts of the Holy Spirit.

Challenges and hardship persist in this beautiful land, among these children of God, but His work is being done, in His time. Seeds sown, and watered, are growing. Other seeds germinate months to years thence, but we wait on the Lord for the harvest. We continue pray for those that have fallen away or into dependencies in their daily struggles.

It is so encouraging seeing how the Lord is using the Norton's (sometimes know as the Horton's ;) in partnership with the local Dine strong in the faith. Please continue to pray for this treasured family, front-line workers in this field.

We rejoice in those children coming to VBS, especial the strong relationship building among the teens. I am so proud of Philip, Leslie, Adam, Jennie & Ellie as they connect and build trusting friendships among the teens, reconnecting with some, other times making new bonds. The kids are being kids, from playing Uno, a tradition started by Miss Jane Moody during our first trip here, to playing tag, relating in class, to venturing into the hills lead by our guide Raphael.

Sharing & neighboring during the family time events has been wonderful, where we get to know one another. I am ever impressed with the creative, beautiful work that is crafted from
simple craft materials into beautiful visual works of praise, some from the youngest hands. 

The 'grunts'  continue their efforts building, repairing, fixing, landscaping, and more. Many projects, and we are finishing before our short time is up, thank God!

Weather here has been just as variable as back East. From warm days (thankfully not humid!), to cloudy weather from the monsoon season to last evening being chilled, as if fall!

We have been sharing some images and best wishes with those from prior trips too. Sampson sends his best to Mr. Sam and the woman that calls everyone 'honey', aka Dawn. Timothy visited the other day, assisting Gary & Michael G. with cropping up the mountain brush cleared. From Louise, Gloria, Loretta to Raetavia, Manuel, Howard to Tavian, Cisco, Jorge, Raphael, Anthalena, to slightly bigger Menwell, they are growing in the Lord and thirst for our prayers and His guidance. Please place them and us before the Lord.

Thank you all, continue to prayer for us, we miss our family back East and await our time to share our brief time among our Navajo friends.

Ever yours in Christ,
Frank Sienkiewicz


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