'Beauty abounds in Navajo, NM' by Pastor Jensen

Beauty abounds in Navajo, NM!!!

I was struck by the beauty I encountered at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.  It manifested itself in three ways. One, the backdrop for the church is stunning ... the soaring rock faces were ablaze with light, as they reflected the summer sun.  Two, the Navajo people are a beautiful people ... full of love, laughter, stories and creativity as well as a deep sense of family and a genuine desire to honor the Lord Jesus Christ.  Three, the Nortons - Tim, Heidi, Philip and Leslie.  Wow, what a beautiful family!  Individually and collectively, they are offering themselves as living sacrifices to the Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of the Navajo people.  It was such a joy to see firsthand the love they have for the members of the church and wider community!

It was a privilege to serve alongside of the other team members from Our Savior and my Mom, but of course.  It was a great shared experience for the two of us. 

Thanks for your prayers and financial support.  They are greatly appreciated.  

In Living Hope,
Pastor Jensen 


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